Your New Favorite Brushes

What. Is. UP.

So I need to give BH Cosmetics a quick shout out for a number a reasons. But before I get into that, I just want to preface this by saying that I highly recommend this set of brushes (or any brush set from them really) for beginners who are barely breaking into the makeup scene and don’t have a clue on what types of brushes to buy or what they’re even used for. Cause let me tell you, I was as lost as a lamb when I decided that I didn’t want to go broke anymore by paying MAC girls to do my makeup and made a decision to do it on my own. Be a badass, and do it yourself, right? So thanks to BH Cosmetics, Sephora/Ulta/the Internet and YouTube, I taught myself how to paint my beautiful face and beat it to the high heavens! Here are the brushes that made those dreams come true:

bh cosmetics brush set

And here are four reasons why you need a BH Cosmetics brush set:

Reason #1: These are your new go-to brushes because they are so CHEAP. BH Cosmetics has sales on their brushes/brush sets all the time and shipping is only $4 in the U.S. Say what!

Reason #2: Almost all of their brush sets come with a case so you don’t lose your brushes and your mind when you’re trying to comb those brows into shape.

Reason #3: They have a database of videos/tutorials to HELP YOU when you get lost and/or frustrated! So you don’t even have to go onto YouTube and search through random videos. They list their most recent videos/tutorials which feature their brushes and/or most of their products by different makeup bloggers or from the brand itself.

Reason #4: BH Cosmetics’ product description pages are insanely detailed. Not only do they describe the products and show customer reviews, they have a “Brush Care 101” tab so you can learn how to clean your brushes AND, each brush set comes with a VIDEO for you to watch in order to understand which brushes are meant for certain parts of your beautiful face.

I could list more reasons why I love BH Cosmetics and why they have my heart, but we’ll be here all day and you ain’t got time for that. Cause you should be on their website, doing your research. Watching videos. Filling up that shopping cart. Getting that $4 shipping! You are WELCOME my beauties.

…Did you buy something yet? Show me! Cause I’m nosey like that! Let me know in the comments below what you fell in love with and have a fabulous rest of your day.


The Curl Talk